Understanding more about how people signal their depression can help clarify what is going on internally and know when to get help.

5 Ways People Signal their Depression

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The onset of depression can spur a variety of reactions in the person feeling it, with some reaching out for comfort and support, and others withdrawing into their own personal space. Understanding more about how people signal their depression can help clarify what is going on internally, and know when to get help.

Learn more about how to identify when someone is entering a depressive episode in this infographic.

When You Feel More than Just “Down”: Understanding Depression

Depression is a complex mental health condition that negatively impacts how you think, feel, and act, often causing you to feel sad and disinterested in things you once enjoyed. The symptoms of depression can range widely, from more commonly understood signs such as persistent sadness, hopelessness, and suicidal tendencies, to lesser known signs like irritability, forgetfulness, and unexplained physical pains. Linked to genetics, personality, life experience, and brain chemistry — depression can manifest in a variety of different disorders, such as persistent depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder and seasonal depression.

When people experience depression, they have different ways of signaling where they are at mentally. Some will reach out to others for help, while others will pull in and isolate. If you are living with any type of depressive disorder, it can be useful to identify the signs you show when you’re feeling depressed so you have a clear sense of what is happening and what you need to do to stay safe and healthy. If you love someone who has depression, understanding signals of a depressive episode can be critical in providing support and care during these difficult times.

Signs of a Shift into Depression

A shift in mental state often corresponds to a shift in behaviour. These changes can be subtle, but are indicators that the mind and mood are moving into depression. Signs can include things like:

  • Increased texting or calls with friends or loved ones
  • Sudden cessation of communication
  • Social media posts about mental health, or negative or challenge-oriented content
  • Drawings or writing reflecting sadness or turmoil
  • Neglect of personal care routines like exercise or oral hygiene

If you notice these changes in yourself or in a loved one, it is important to ensure that the right kind of support is available to help cope with the symptoms of depression.

Treatment for Depression

Depression is one of the most treatable mental health disorders, with around 80-90% of people responding well, and almost all in treatment experiencing at least some relief from symptoms. Psychotherapy, medication, the development of healthy coping skills and relaxation techniques, and other alternative therapies may be used to help reduce the length and severity of depressive episodes, and improve your overall mood. Talking with a mental health professional can help you learn more about what type of treatment is right for you.

A Holistic Approach to Depression Treatment at The Dawn

A group of four people practicing the Warrior II yoga pose on a lawn at The Dawn.

At The Dawn Wellness Centre and Rehab, we specialise in treating a variety of mental health disorders, including depression and other co-occurring disorders such as anxiety and addiction. We take a holistic approach to treating depression, using a blend of effective psychotherapeutic techniques, proven wellness practices, and modern technologies to heal and strengthen both the mind and body. The Dawn is the only residential treatment centre in Asia offering the innovative Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation treatment or TMS – an FDA-approved, non-invasive technology that helps in the treatment of depression, anxiety, trauma and addiction. 

You don’t have to be alone in managing your depression. Reach out to The Dawn and learn more about how we can support you.

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