A helping hand: substance abuse intervention can give your loved one the support they need

9 Signs Someone Needs a Substance Abuse Intervention

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Approaching a loved one about their addictions and substance abuse issues is an incredibly tough thing to do. Ultimately however, taking the brave step of making a substance abuse intervention can be vital in changing someone’s life and setting them on the right path to a healthier and happier future.

One of the biggest challenges that people face in approaching an addict is that they are very likely to deny that they have a problem in the first place. You may find that you are met with hostility or even a degree of anger, as it is very difficult for a substance abuse intervention to not come across as accusatory. As much as addressing a loved one as an ‘addict’ is difficult to conceive, being called one is even more difficult to accept.

Given this reality, it is rare to be able to just come out and ask someone if they have a problem with alcohol or drugs and get a straight answer. Much more likely is that you will have to do some detective work in order to find out if someone you love is in need of an intervention.

The Tell-tale Signs

There are several tell-tale signs to let you know if someone is in need of a substance abuse intervention:

  1. Deceptive Behaviour: They will attempt to hide their behaviour. They may do this by hiding bottles of alcohol, showing up to social occasions already intoxicated so they don’t appear to drink too much in public, or hiding their medications in unmarked bottles so you can’t identify them as addictive substances. During a substance abuse intervention you can address the deception and move the addict towards seeking substance abuse treatment.

  2. Appearance: The addict’s appearance deteriorates. An addict has one goal each day: get the alcohol or drug they need. This may lead to certain physical aspects being neglected. Their clothes may appear disheveled or they may shave less often; they might appear tired and haggard much of the time. Women will often try to disguise this with more makeup. An alcoholic or addict will make great efforts to hide their problem, so a decline in appearance may not appear until their problems worsen. 

  3. Tolerance: An alcoholic or addict will often increase their usage of their vice to achieve the effect that they desire from it. This phenomenon occurs because the more times they ingest the substance, the higher their body’s tolerance towards it. Keep a lookout for increased consumption or purchasing of alcohol or prescription medicines.

  4. Forgetfulness: Blackouts or lapses of memory are common for addicts after increased spells of substance abuse. These periods are caused by prolonged abuse, causing the addict to experience certain mental deprivations. Forgetting recent events or failing to make appointments are definite warning signs, particularly when accompanied by other behaviours and habits common to substance abuse.

  5. Financial troubles: Unexplained money problems are often another tell-tale sign. Addicts may increasingly ask to borrow money from their family or friends, and offer varying reasons for their request. Increased levels of debt and unpaid bills can be a sign that they are spending more than they should on their habit.

  6. Changes in mood: They exhibit irrational behaviour and mood swings. They may often overreact, especially in response to any mention of their drug or alcohol habits. They will frequently switch from being angry, depressed, happy, elated, miserable, and hostile without prior warning.

  7. Becoming increasingly anti-social: They may start to isolate themselves, preferring to be alone at home. Reclusive behaviour becomes increasingly common as they seek more privacy away from anyone interfering with their drug or alcohol use.

  8. Mental Health Problems: Some issues that perhaps were once mild and infrequent begin to get much worse. It is normal to feel a little down sometimes, but as the addiction progresses, mental health issues often get magnified and are easier to pick up on.

  9. Depression: As their drug or alcohol usage increases, the burdens of everyday life may start to wear on them. Dependency on their vices often takes a toll on a person’s self-esteem, causing depression and social anxiety.

Taking Action

If your loved one is displaying any of these tell-tale signs, then it could be time for you to take action and seek out the right setting for a drug and alcohol rehab in Thailand. Of course, it is always a good idea to talk to their family members and other friends, in order to gather further information and share each other’s views. You’ll definitely have a clearer indication about whether to intervene if you all share the same concerns and there is no need for you to confront the person alone – whether they are your friend, parent, partner, or child.

Interventions are often thought of as last resorts, and it may be a challenge to present them in a way that is confrontational or accusatory. However, a degree of hostility is often to be expected. Nobody enjoys having someone point out their failings or shortcomings, and this is especially true of an addict who may be in denial about their situation.

Despite the difficulties in approaching this delicate subject, making the simple suggestion of seeking professional help may be the light in the dark that your loved one needs. You really never know how they may react until you try. Letting them know that help is available can make a huge difference, and may open their mind to the possibility of being admitted to an inpatient drug rehab centre or similar treatment facility. Being the first line of support can give them the confidence to seek the help that they really need.

Get Help at The Dawn Rehab in Thailand

A pool area with lounge chairs and a wodden traditional building in the background at The Dawn.

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction or mental illness, The Dawn can help. For addiction treatment and medical support around the clock, we are one of the most highly respected inpatient centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Thailand. At The Dawn, we protect every client’s confidentiality and conform to high ethical standards.

Our 1:1 staff to client ratio ensures personal care in a safe and healing environment, with private and spacious accommodation for maximum comfort. All treatment is highly personalised and tailor made to suit each individual patient’s needs. Our relapse assurance policy means that we offer a completely free stay of up to 28 days in the event of a relapse after receiving our treatment. Contact The Dawn today to find out more about our treatment.

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