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scared to go to rehab

Scared to Go to Rehab? The Truth About Your Biggest Fears

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You know what you need to do about your addiction, but you also realize that you are scared to go to rehab. Moving past this mental block is a critical first step in getting the treatment you need to live a better life.

You’ve known for a while that your drinking or substance use is problematic. You may have noticed that your physical health is being compromised, or that you are finding yourself in situations that are embarrassing or disturbing. You might have been confronted by friends, family or a colleague, or be facing legal or financial problems as a result of your drinking or drug use. You know you need to seek treatment, but you are resistant to it. Why?

The truth is, most people have rehab concerns, for the same reasons that many of us drag our feet when we need to make major changes in our lives. Breaking old habits is difficult, and the successful pursuit of change often involves hard work and some challenges along the way. However, entering treatment for addiction can have profoundly positive impacts on your life, paving the way for a future that may have seemed impossible before.

Thinking through the “what ifs” that make you feel scared to go to rehab can help process your rehab concerns and alleviate some of your fears about this important next step. 

Rehab Fear 1: What if I can’t manage the withdrawal symptoms?

Withdrawal can be an uncomfortable process, both physically and psychologically. For those with a dependency on certain types of substances, such as alcohol, opiates, or benzodiazepines like Xanax or Valium, withdrawal can have serious medical complications if done without the supervision of a health professional. 

Luckily, there are rehab facilities that offer on-site detox with 24-hour medical support. These services aim to make you safe and as comfortable as possible, while providing the kind of professional help you need to feel completely supported as you move through this stage of recovery. 

Rehab Fear 2: What if rehab doesn’t work and I relapse?

A relapse can be frightening, demoralising, and disorienting, but it definitely does not spell the end for your recovery. In fact, relapse is often a part of the recovery journey, and treatment providers will spend time with you to teach you about how to avoid relapse, as well as how to manage one if it happens.

In treatment, you’ll learn how to recognise signs of an impending relapse, and learn what to do in order to prevent one from occurring. Some rehab facilities will even offer a relapse assurance policy, providing additional treatment at no-cost if a relapse occurs within a certain period after treatment. 

Rehab Fear 3: What if people find out that I am going to rehab?

Confidentiality is a common concern for people seeking treatment for substance abuse issues. From worries about the impacts of disclosure on their professional lives, to dealing with cultural taboos or social stigma about addiction, many people going to rehab want to ensure that their decision is a private one. 

In light of this concern, it is important to consider the potential benefits of talking to trusted loved ones about your addiction and your intention to seek treatment. Addiction thrives in isolation, and opening up about what’s going on may actually help broaden your community of support and further motivate your desire to recover.

If you feel that seclusion during rehab is imperative, going to rehab abroad is one way to ensure privacy around the decision to seek treatment. This trip can be easily described as a vacation or retreat, and many centres have comprehensive confidentiality policies in order to protect your privacy.

Rehab Fear 4: What if I don’t fit in with the community there?

Admitting the need for treatment is a brave step in recovery that can leave you feeling vulnerable. Being assured that you will be surrounded by a community of support as you move through the recovery process is a normal, healthy need. Many rehab programmes will strive to create a sense of community among staff and clients. This can be done through interpersonal or group therapy sessions, participation in community wellness classes like yoga or fitness training, as well as social events like group dinners. People often find that interacting with others also in the recovery process creates a unique sense of camaraderie and support that is reassuring and beneficial as they heal from addiction.

Rehab Fear 5: What if my past is so shocking that my therapist can’t handle it?

Shame is a potent and devastating element of addiction that causes us to do everything we can to hide the issue from others, even those who want to help. Identifying this emotion and naming its role in furthering addiction is an important first step towards overcoming it.

Professional addiction specialists have years of experience talking to people with dependencies, and in some cases, may be in recovery themselves. They are well-versed in approaching treatment and healing in a constructive and compassionate way.

Rehab Fear 6: What if I hate being sober?

Many people put off going into treatment because they are scared that abstaining from drugs and alcohol will mean they will lose their only means of  ‘escape’ or of managing stress or coping with difficult situations. They might also worry that a sober life may be a boring one. 

Your early days of sobriety will be filled with emotion. In rehab you will be taught how to deal with your emotions and they will also equip you with other types of coping skills to effectively deal with stress or challenging situations. Therapy will change the way you think and therefore the resulting way you feel – opening up unimaginable future possibilities  

Rehab Fear 7: What if rehab works?

It’s a common human experience to confuse familiarity with a sort of happiness, which is part of what underpins our fear of change. Recovery involves a transformation of lifestyle, and so while you may know that addiction is hurting you, you might also feel fearful, perhaps even sad, about the idea of letting go. This is a normal feeling, experienced by many beginning the recovery process.

Whereas addiction centers your life around a substance, sobriety opens up space to connect with other interests and build relationships that aren’t determined by a dependency. It is a significant shift, and one that engenders endless and often exciting opportunities for growth and personal discovery. As you open yourself to the benefits of this process on many aspects of your life, you’ll feel more confident in moving forward, and more assured in your ability to live life free from addiction.

Transcending Fear and Embracing a New Future at The Dawn

Traditional Thai pavilion with layered rooflines surrounded by lush greenery at The Dawn.

At The Dawn Wellness Center and Rehab Thailand , our focus is on compassionate, holistic treatment for addiction that addresses the root causes of dependency while cultivating lifelong, healthy coping mechanisms that override the need to use again. Our experienced team of specialists works closely with each client to develop a personalised plan built to fit their individual needs so that they can achieve a successful, long-term recovery from addiction.

The Best Drug Rehab in Thailand

The Dawn’s clinical team has created a unique, effective addiction treatment programme which uses a mix of the latest psychotherapeutic techniques and scientifically-proven wellness practices to ensure holistic healing and instill healthy coping skills. In a day, clients will attend both group and individual therapy, participate in meditation and yoga session, and receive a Thai massage or personal fitness training. 

Internationally accredited by the American Accreditation Commission International (AACI) and nationally licensed by the Thai Ministry of Health, The Dawn’s facilities feature lush gardens, a swimming pool, a yoga and meditation studio, a fitness centre, and gorgeous architecture designed to inspire calm and reflection. You’ll find the space to relax and recover with all the comforts of home, but a world away from the triggers and stressors that exacerbate your condition. 

Relapse Assurance Policy

The Dawn is the only known treatment centre in Asia that offers a Relapse Assurance Policy. If a client completes 12 weeks of treatment and relapses within one year, we are happy to have them return for 28 days of further treatment at no additional cost. During this time, we will identify why the relapse has occurred and help them get back on track.

Call The Dawn today to learn more about how we can help you begin your recovery.

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