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Finding the Words: 8 Ways to Ask for Help in a Mental Health Crisis

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When our mental health starts to decline, it can feel difficult to talk to others about what’s on our mind. However, finding your voice is essential in getting the support needed to feel better and find solutions for mental health concerns.

The Situation

You feel like you are on the brink of completely losing control. You might hurt yourself.

What to Say

“I’m in trouble and I’m suicidal. I need help right now.”

The Situation

You are struggling with some of life’s challenges, but you’re not ready to try and put words to them. You need a distraction.

What to Say

“I’m having a really rough time, but I don’t want to go into it quite yet. Could you please help me get my mind off of it by talking about [suggest a topic here]?”

The Situation

You are overwhelmed by your feelings and what’s going on around you. You don’t know how to talk about them yet, or even exactly what you need, but you know you need someone to be with you.

What to Say

“I’m really struggling right now, and I don’t know how to talk about it. I know that I don’t want to be alone. Here’s what I’m feeling.”

The Situation

You are inundated with guilt, shame or self-loathing, and it’s making it difficult to remember all the good you bring to the world.

What to Say

“I’m having a really hard time remembering what I like about myself today. Could you share some good memories of us? I would really appreciate it.”

The Situation

You are starting to feel isolated in your struggles, and need some regular human connection.

What to Say

“I’m going through a bit of a rough patch. Could you please check in on me every [suggest dates/times] just to see how I’m doing?”

The Situation

Your challenges are overwhelming your ability to carry out your daily tasks, and the feeling of falling behind is beginning to create an additional burden.

What to Say

“I’m completely overwhelmed with [insert what you’re going through], and I was wondering if you could give me some extra support around [what you need].”

The Situation

You have tried all the coping skills you know to help you deal with what’s going on, but you feel like your mental health is still not where it should be.

What to Say

“I’ve been using all the coping tools I have to manage what I’m facing, but they’re not working. Could you help me identify some others that might help?”

The Situation

You are holding it together, but just barely. You feel yourself pulling away from the people you love, but you know this isn’t what you really need to get better.

What to Say

“I feel like I’m at my limit and I don’t know what to do. Can we talk?”

Why It’s Important to Ask for Mental Health Support

While conversations around mental health have broadened significantly in the last decade, longstanding stigmas around speaking out about personal struggles or asking for help still create obstacles in reaching out for support when you might need it the most. Isolation is both a symptom and a cause of common mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, and building connections and communication with others is essential to feeling better.

Because many people initially try to deny their feelings in an attempt to move past them, it is important to recognise when mental health is starting to decline. Some signs that it may be time to seek help include:

  • Difficulty in enjoying your life
  • Feeling like your usual ways of coping aren’t working
  • Worrying more than usual
  • Changes in mood, sleep or eating patterns
  • Interest in talking to someone about how you are feeling

If you notice these signs, it is important to seek out someone to talk to in order to begin to address what’s bothering you and rebuild your resilience.

Who Should I Talk to for Mental Health Support?

Depending on your challenges and how you are feeling, there are a variety of people you can seek out for support and guidance. If you are not sure of who to go to, here are a few different options – and remember, if one person isn’t available, don’t let that stop you from seeking out another option! When you are in a mental health crisis, making a connection isn’t just recommended, it is absolutely critical for your health.

1. Friends, family members, or others you trust

Many people turn to a loved one to vent or get support when they are feeling low, and if you are in a serious crisis, this network can be vital in hearing your needs and helping you access additional resources.

2. The human resources department

Whether your challenges are related to your work or are caused by something at home, the human resources department can be an excellent source of support. They can help you explore options for temporarily reducing your workload or altering your work (such as working from home) in order to manage stress and feel better. If you are a student, the school’s counseling office can be of similar support.

3. Mental health hotline

Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, mental health hotlines are staffed by trained professionals ready to assist people in crisis. Many hotlines will have a wealth of further resources to offer you for long-term support. If you don’t feel like actually talking to someone, some hotlines have texting options as well.

4. Healthcare providers

You may already have a relationship with a therapist who you can turn to in times of crisis, but if you don’t, reaching out to your general health practitioner is also a good option. They can make a diagnosis, offer potential treatment options, and refer you to a mental health specialist if needed.

Get the Mental Health Crisis Support You Need at The Dawn

A group of four people meditating on yoga mats in a garden at The Dawn.

At The Dawn Wellness Centre and Rehab, we offer a unique, holistic approach to mental health and addiction treatment. Our mental wellness programme has been specially designed to help our clients feel better almost immediately, gain a deeper understanding of their symptoms, and learn skills to manage their condition long-term.

Mental Health Treatment in Thailand

Located on the outskirts of the beautiful city of Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, The Dawn’s tranquil riverfront location immediately transports you into an oasis of calm, completely removing you from all your stressors so that you can focus on your recovery.

Internationally accredited by the American Accreditation Commission International (AACI) and nationally licensed by the Thai Ministry of Health, The Dawn offers a carefully cultivated mix of the latest psychotherapeutic techniques, cutting-edge technology and scientifically-proven wellness practices to ensure holistic healing and instill healthy coping skills. 

Call us today to learn more about how we can help support you.

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